Margin vs Padding

Margin is an element’s personal space — how much distance the element wants to keep with other elements around it. Padding is how much an element is away from itself — how much distance an element…


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Questions of the day

And the winner is?

When your house is lapped by water due to sea level rise should
backstroke or breaststroke be preferred?

People say education is wasted on the young but isn’t it foisted on them
because no one else wants it?

If computer chips double capacity every 18 months why do we still use
combustion engines invented 200 years ago?

When discussing big issues do people prefer to shoot from their hip
because it’s closest to their ass?

Does your left hand only start telling your right hand what it is doing
when both are tied behind your back?

Is poetry a tough sell because while it may be the song of the soul who wants
to be reminded we each have a soul for which we are responsible?

Vote for your favourite question by writing on a postcard put it in a bottle
and throw it into the rising floodwaters for whoever’s left to find.

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